

发布时间: 2024-05-17 01:42:08北京青年报社官方账号





As a Category A council member of the International Maritime Organization, China has taken a pioneering step by implementing the new sulfur standards in its coastal areas since January. According to the IMO, the global shipping industry is estimated to consume around 300 million tons of marine fuel oil in 2020.


As a result, the offshore renminbi strengthened immediately by more than 0.5 percent to 6.8292 against the US dollar. The onshore renminbi spot exchange rate also climbed to around 6.8300 per dollar from 6.8965 during that day's trading.


As for the renminbi's exchange rate, Pan said the central authorities will continually improve its flexibility and enhance the risk management ability given a further opened financial industry.


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As an increasing number of middle-aged people and seniors are taking their familiarity with technology from the workplace with them into retirement, many have started shopping online, including on Taobao and JD, two leading Chinese e-commerce sites.


